Prize-winner at the Bella Voce International Competition (2nd prize, 2006)
Prize-winner of the Third Bogacheva All-Russia Competition (3rd prize, St. Petersburg, 2007)

Having studied at the Tchaikovsky State Conservatory, Academy of Choral Arts in Moscow, Sergey Romanovsky is winner of numerous competitions, including Moscow’s International Bella Voce Competition in 2005.He has collaborated with conductors including Lorin Maazel, Evelino Pidò, Leo Hussain, Alberto Zedda, Christophe Rousset, Michele Mariotti, Daniele Callegari, Antonino Fogliani, Yuri Bashmet and Ottavio Dantone, and such stage directors as Robert Carsen, Denis Krief, Stefano Mazzonis Di Pralafera and Luca Ronconi.
Sergey Romanovsky has performed at La Scala (Libenskof Il Viaggio a Reims); the Teatro Real, Madrid; Opéra Royal de Wallonie, Liège and Opéra de Bordeaux (both Almaviva Il Barbiere di Siviglia); Opera Vlaanderen; Gothenburg Opera (Don Ramiro La Cenerentola); Théâtre du Capitole, Toulouse (Mercure and Athlete Castor et Pollux); Norske Opera, Oslo (Ernesto Don Pasquale); Opéra de Montréal; Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg (Nemorino L’elisir d’amore); Moscow State Philharmonic Society (Tebaldo I Capuleti e Montecchi); Sinfónica Simón Bolívar, Caracas (Alfredo La traviata); Opéra de Lille (Lensky Eugene Onegin); Landestheater Salzburg (Tito La Clemenza di Tito); and Teatro Petruzzelli, Bari (Almaviva conductor Lorin Maazel).
Roles at the Bolshoi Theatre include the Italian Tenor Der Rosenkavalier, Duca Rigoletto , Cavaliere Belfiore Il Viaggio a Reims.