As General Charnota in The Flight (Beg).  Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As General Charnota in The Flight (Beg).
Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Commendatore in Don Giovanni, ossia Il dissoluto punito. Alexei Mochalov as Don Giovanni. Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Commendatore in Don Giovanni, ossia Il dissoluto punito.
Alexei Mochalov as Don Giovanni.
Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Commendatore in Don Giovanni, ossia Il dissoluto punito.    Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Commendatore in Don Giovanni, ossia Il dissoluto punito.
Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Curio, Roman tribune in Giulio Cesare and Cleopatra.  Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Curio, Roman tribune in Giulio Cesare and Cleopatra.
Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Pan Golova in Cherevichki.  Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Pan Golova in Cherevichki.
Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Trulove in The Rake's Progress.  Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As Trulove in The Rake's Progress.
Photo: archive of the Boris Pokrovsky Musical Theatre.
As a Clerk in a newspaper office in The Nose. Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As a Clerk in a newspaper office in The Nose.
Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As a Clerk in a newspaper office in The Nose. Roman Bobrov as Platon Kuzmich Kovalyov.Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As a Clerk in a newspaper office in The Nose. Roman Bobrov as Platon Kuzmich Kovalyov.
Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Marquis de Santarem, a prisoner in Périchole. Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Marquis de Santarem, a prisoner in Périchole.
Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Marquis de Santarem, a prisoner in Périchole. Pyotr Melentyev as Piquillo. Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.
As Marquis de Santarem, a prisoner in Périchole.
Pyotr Melentyev as Piquillo.
Photo by Vladimir Mayorov.

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All in group

  • Vladimir Baikov
  • Viktor Borovkov
  • Kirill Filin
  • Alexandеr Kolesnikov
  • Alexander Markeev
  • Alexei Prokopyev
  • Alexei Smirnov
  • German Yukavsky
  • Anatoly Zakharov