Emeralds. Opposite Ivan Alexeyev. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Emeralds. Opposite Ivan Alexeyev. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Hungarian Bride in Swan Lake. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Hungarian Bride in Swan Lake. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Hungarian Bride in Swan Lake.Photo by Batyr Annadurdyev.
As Hungarian Bride in Swan Lake.
Photo by Batyr Annadurdyev.
Wili/Two Wilis in Giselle. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
Wili/Two Wilis in Giselle. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Princess Florine in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As The Queen of the Dryads in Don Quixote.Photo by Batyr Annadurdyev.
As The Queen of the Dryads in Don Quixote.
Photo by Batyr Annadurdyev.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Green'. With Igor Tsvirko and Anton Savichev.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Green'. With Igor Tsvirko and Anton Savichev.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Friend to Prince in Swan Lake.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Friend to Prince in Swan Lake.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Bela in A Hero of Our Time. Denis Rodkin as Pechorin. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Bela in A Hero of Our Time. Denis Rodkin as Pechorin. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Adeline in The Flames of Paris. Denis Savin as Jerome. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Adeline in The Flames of Paris. Denis Savin as Jerome. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As French Doll in Nutcracker. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As French Doll in Nutcracker. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Lilac Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Lilac Fairy in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Lidia Ivanovna in Anna Karenina. Semyon Chudin as Karenin. Photo by Natalia Voronova.
As Lidia Ivanovna in Anna Karenina. Semyon Chudin as Karenin. Photo by Natalia Voronova.
As Mary in A Hero of Our Time. Ruslan Skvortsov as Pechorin. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Mary in A Hero of Our Time. Ruslan Skvortsov as Pechorin. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Fate in Carmen Suite. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Fate in Carmen Suite. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Street Dancer in Don Quixote. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.
As Street Dancer in Don Quixote. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.

Nearest performances

Swan Lake 22 March
Master and Margarita 29 March30 March
La Bayadere 5 April6 April
La Fille du Pharaon 18 April19 April


In 2015, she was chosen among “25 to watch” by Dance Magazine.
In October 2016, she and Margarita Shrayner were voted “Dancer of the Month” by British magazine Dansing Times.



Born in Tbilisi (Georgia). In 1999 entered Tbilisi Choreographic School named after V. Chabukiani. In 2004-07 studied at the Moscow State Choreographic Academy.
In 2007-09 performed with the Ballet Company of the Tbilisi State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Z. Paliashvili.
In 2009 joined the Bolshoi Ballet. She rehearsed under Marina Kondratieva. Now her teacher-repetiteur is Nadezhda Pavlova.


Friend/ friends to Giselle
(Giselle by А. Adam, choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, М. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich’s version)
Final Waltz and Apotheosis (Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by Yuri Grigorovich)

Part in Rubies
(Part II in Jewels) to music by I. Stravinsky (choreography by G. Balanchine) — among the creators at the Bolshoi

Swan/ three swans
(Swan Lake by P. Tchaikovsky, second Y. Grigorovich's version)
Friend/ friends to Armida (B. Asfiev’s The Flames of Paris, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky after V. Vainonen)
Pas de trois in Emeralds (Part I in Jewels) to music by G. Fauré, soloist in Diamonds (Part III in Jewels) to music by P. Tchaikovsky (choreography by G. Balanchine)
among the creators at the Bolshoi Four Couples (Classical Symphony to music of S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Possokhov)
Boyarynia/ boyarynias (Ivan the Terrible to music by S. Prokofiev, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Hair Maiden/ maidens, Cups, Stocks (among the creators at the Bolshoi), Candle, Chimney-sweep’s suite (Moidodyr by E. Podgayts, choreography by Y. Smekalov)

The 3rd variation in The Kingdom of the Shades scene, Grand Pas
(La Bayadere by L. Minkus, choreography by М. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich’s version)
Silver Fairy (The Sleeping Beauty by P.Tchaikovsky, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich's version)
Hungarian bride (Swan Lake)
The 2nd variation in Grand Pas (Don Quixote by L.Minkus, choreography by Alexander Gorsky, A. Fadeechev’s version)
Friend/ friends to the Marchesa Sampietri (Marco Spada to music by D.-F.-E. Auber, P. Lacotte’s production)
Two Wilis (Giselle by A. Adam; choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M. Petipa in the V. Vasiliev’s version)
La Priere (Coppelia by L. Délibes, choreography by M. Petipa and E. Cecchetti; revival and new choreographic version by S. Vikharev)

Princess Florina (The Sleeping Beauty)
Victory Herald/ heralds (Ivan the Terrible)
the First Odalisque (Le Corsaire by A. Adam, choreography by M. Petipa, revival and new choreography by A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaka)
Maidservant/ maidservants (The Taming of the Shrew to music by D. Shostakovich, choreography by Jean-Christophe Maillot) — among the creators at the Bolshoi
Court Dancing Girl/ girls (A Legend of Love by А.Melikov, choreography by Y.Grigorovich)
The Queen of the Dryads (Don Quixote, А. Fadeyechev’s version)

Young Lady/ ladies
(A Hero of Our Time by I. Demutsky, Princess Mary part, choreography by Y. Possokhov, director K. Serebrennikov)
among the creators at the Bolshoi
Couple in Green (Russian Seasons to music by L. Desyatnikov, choreography by A. Ratmansky)
Friend/ friehds to the Prince (Swan Lake)
Bela (A Hero of Our Time, Bela part)

Clemence /friends to Raymonda
(Raymonda by A. Glazunov, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich’s version)
Three couples (Frank Bridge Variations to music by B. Britten, choreography by Hans van Manen)
among the creators at the Bolshoi
Leading part in Emeralds
Two young couples (The Golden Age by D. Shostakovich, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Adeline (The Flames of Paris by B. Asafiev choreography by A. Ratmansky with use of the original choreography by V. Vainonen)

(Le Corsaire)
The Paris Waltz, Paparazzi (Nureyev by I. Demutsky, choreography by Y. Possokhov, directed by K. Serebrennikov)
French doll (Nutcracker)

Lidia Ivanovna
(Anna Karenina to music by P. Tchaikovsky, A. Shnitke, Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam, choreography by J. Neumeier) creation at the Bolshoi
Mary (A Hero of Our Time, Princess Mary part)
Congo (La Fille du Pharaoh by C. Pugni, choreography by P. Lacotte after M. Petipa)
Couple in White (Forgotten Land to music by B. Britten, choreography by J. Kylián)
The 2nd variation in The Kingdom of the Shades scene (La Bayadere)


Fate (Carmen Suite to music by Bizet-R. Shchedrin, A. Alonso production)
Street Dancer (Don Quixote, A. Fadeechev's second version)
‘Two couples’ in part 4, part 2; Soloist Part 4 (Symphony in C to music by G. Bizet, choreography by G. Balanchine)
Paulina (The Winter’s Tale by J. Talbot, choreography by Ch.Wheeldon)
(Giselle, A. Ratmansky's version)

(La Fille du Pharaon)

In 2016 within the Bolshoi Youth ballet program’s project “Faces” (New Stage) appeared in Love Is All Around to music by I.Stravinsky (choreography by I. Vasiliev).

All in group