As Drosselmeyer in Nutcracker. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Drosselmeyer in Nutcracker. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Artynov in Anyuta. Evgenia Obraztsova as Anyuta.Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Artynov in Anyuta. Evgenia Obraztsova as Anyuta.
Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Torero in Carmen Suite. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Torero in Carmen Suite. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Evil Fairy Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.
As Evil Fairy Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Mikhail Logvinov.
As Jerome in The Flames of Paris. Nina Kaptsova as Adeline. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Jerome in The Flames of Paris. Nina Kaptsova as Adeline. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Red'. Opposite Ekaterina Krysanova. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
Russian Seasons. 'Couple in Red'. Opposite Ekaterina Krysanova. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Abderakhman in Raymonda. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Abderakhman in Raymonda. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Vizier in A Legend of Love. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Vizier in A Legend of Love. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
In the title part in Hamlet. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
In the title part in Hamlet. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Grushnitsky in A Hero of our Time. Part Princess Mary. Ruslan Skvortsov as Pechorin.Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Grushnitsky in A Hero of our Time. Part Princess Mary. Ruslan Skvortsov as Pechorin.
Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Levin in Anna Karenina. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
As Levin in Anna Karenina. Photo by Elena Fetisova.
In the title part in Petrushka. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
In the title part in Petrushka. Photo by Damir Yusupov.
As Leontes in The Winter’s Tale. Photo by Natalia Voronova.
As Leontes in The Winter’s Tale. Photo by Natalia Voronova.

Nearest performances

Romeo and Juliet 20 March
Anyuta 25 March
Master and Margarita 29 March30 March
La Bayadere 4 April6 April
La Fille du Pharaon 16 April19 April
The Tempest 22 April


2003 — the prize at the Moscow debuts festival founded by the Central House of Actors for his performance of Accordionist in The Bright Stream.
2012 — the Golden Mask National Theatre prize in the Best ballet male part category for his performance in Herman Schmerman.



Born in Moscow. In 2002, on completing his studies at Bolshoi Ballet Academy (Igor Uksusnikov’s class), he joined the corps de allet of the Bolshoi theatre. Actually from the outset he was entrusted with solo parts. The next season at the theatre he received the title role of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet to music by S. Prokofiev (production by Declan Donnelan, choreography by Radu Poklitary, 2003). He danced this part at the first night performance.
His repetiteur is Victor Barykin.


Pas d’action (Giselle by A. Adam, choreography by J. Coralli, J. Perrot, M. Petipa, V. Vasiliev's version)
Grand Pas (Raimonda by A.Glazunov, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich's version)
Prince Lemon (K. Khachaturyan’s Cipollino, choreography by G. Mayorov)
Two officers (Anyuta to music by V. Gavrilin, choreography by V. Vasiliev)

(among the creators of this ballet), Accordionist (D. Shostakovich’s The Bright Stream, choreography by A. Ratmansky)

Grey Wolf (The Sleeping Beauty by P.Tchaikovsky, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich's version)
The Mouse King (Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Patient (Ward # 6 to music by A. Part, choreography by R. Poklitaru) — creation    
Moth (A Midnight’s Summer Dream to the music by F. Mendelssohn Bartholdy and G. Ligeti, choreography by J. Neumeier) — creation at the Bolshoi Theatre

Lysander (A Midnight’s Summer Dream)
Denis (D. Shostakovich’s The Bolt, choreography by A.Ratmansky) — creation
Soloist (I. Stravinsky’s Jeu de cards; choreography by A. Ratmansky) — among the creators at the Bolshoi Theatre

Hannan (Lea to music by L. Bernstein, choreography by A. Ratmansky, the second version)
Two flustered nepmen, Sailor (D. Shostakovich’s The Golden Age, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)

Officers (A. Melikov’s A Legend of Love, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Gamache (Don Quixote by L.Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, A. Gorsky, A. Fadeyechev’s version)
Soloist (In the Upper Room to music by Philip Glass, choreography by T. Tharp) — among the creators at the Bolshoi Theatre
Pyotr (The Bright Stream)

Gurn (H. Levenskiold’s La Sylphide, choreography by A. Bournonville, J. Kobborg’s version) — creation at Bolshoi Theatre
Shepherds (A. Khachaturian’s Spartacus, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Black slave (C. Pugni’s La Fille du Pharaon, choreography by P. Lacotte after M. Petipa)
Jerome (B. Asafiev’s The Flames of Paris, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky after V. Vainonen) — creation
The Couple in ed (Russian Seasons to music by L. Desyatnikov, choreography by A. Ratmansky) — among the creators at the Bolshoi Theatre
Drosselmeyer (Nutcracker)

Hilarion (Giselle, V. Vasiliev’s version)
Csardas (Coppelia by L. Délibes, choreography by M. Petipa and E. Cecchetti; revival and new choreographic version by S. Vikharev)
Delta (E. Palmieri’s Zakharova Super Game, choreography by F. Ventriglia) — creation
Gladiator (Spartacus)
Gringoire (C. Pugni’s La Esmeralda, choreography by M. Petipa, production and new choreographic version by Y. Burlaka, V. Medvedev) — creation

Moor (I. Stravinsky’s Petrushka, choreography by M. Fokine, new choreographic version by S. Vikharev)
Pas de deux (Herman Schmerman to music by T. Willems, choreography by W. Forsythe) — among the creators at the Bolshoi theatre   
Part in Chroma
(music by J. Talbot and J. White, choreography by W. McGregor)

Hans (Giselle, Y. Grigorovich’s version)

Artynov (Anyuta to music by V. Gavrilin, choreography by V. Vasiliev)
Birbanto (Le Corsaire by A. Adam, production and new choreography by A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaka after M. Petipa)
Torero (Carmen Suite to music by G. Bizet-R. Shchedrin, choreography by A. Alonso)
Duet (Dream of Dream to music by S. Rakhmaninov, choreography by J. Elo)
Chimney-sweep (E. Podgayts’ Moidodyr, choreography byY. Smekalov) — creation

Dance with a drum (La Bayadère by L. Minkus, choreography by M. Petipa, Y. Grigorovich's version)
Evil Fairy Carabosse (The Sleeping Beauty)
Bidet, Pedestrians, Waltz, Door (Kvartira, music by Fleshquartet, choreography by M. Ek ) — among the creators at the Bolshoi theatre
(S. Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet, choreography by Y. Grigorovich)
Pepinelli (Marco Spada by D.-F.-E. Auber, P. Lacotte's production)

Abderakhman (Raimonda)
Petruchio (The Taming of the Shrew to music by D. Shostakovich, choreography by J.-C. Maillot)
Vizier (A Legend of Love)

(Hamlet to music by D. Shostakovich, D. Donnelan and R. Poklitary production) — creation
Grushnitskу (A Hero of Our Time by I. Demutsky, Princess Mary part, choreography by Y. Possokhov, director K. Serebrennikov) — creation
The Couple in Yellow (Russian Seasons)

Part in Short time together
to music by M. Richter and L. van Beethoven (choreography by by P. Lightfoot and S. León) – among the creators at the Bolshoi Theatre
(The Golden Age)

(creation), The Pupil (Nureyev by I. Demutsky, choreography by Y. Possokhov, directed by K. Serebrennikov)

(creation at the Bolshoi Theatre), Muzhik (Anna Karenina to music by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Alfred Shnitke, Cat Stevens / Yusuf Islam, choreography by John Neumeier)
the title part (Petrushka, choreography by E. Clug ) – creation
two couples
(Artifact Suite to music by E. Crossman-Hecht and J. S. Bach, choreography by W. Forsythe)
Leontes (The Winter’s Tale by J. Talbot, choreography by Ch.Wheeldon) – creation at the Bolshoi Theatre

Hans (Giselle, A. Ratmansky's version)
Tybalt (Romeo and Juliet, choreography by A. Ratmansky)

He participated in the Bolshoi Theatre’s Studio of New Choreography workshop. There he appeared — with Anna Nikulina — in the number Acquisition to music by S. Rachmaninov, produced by Y. Klevtsov (2006).

In 2007, he appeared in the ballet Old Ladies Falling Out to music by L. Desyatnikov (choreography by A. Ratmansky), which was shown first at the Territory Festival, and then under the auspices of the Studio of New Choreography workshop.

In 2011, he participated in the joint project of the Bolshoi Theatre and the Segerstrom Center for the Arts (Remansos to music by E. Granados, choreography by N. Duato; Fractus to music by R. Chatham, choreography by K. Armitage).